Showing 61–80 of 111 results

  • Pitch

    Nous faisons tous des pitchs, tous les jours, que ce soit pour vendre une idée à un client, trouver des financements, motiver une équipe sur un projet ou même négocier une augmentation de salaire. Oren Klaff dévoile ici la méthode qui lui a permis de lever plus de 400 millions de dollars auprès d’investisseurs. S’appuyant sur les dernières avancées des neurosciences, il explique comment le cerveau prend les décisions, réagit à un pitch… et comment il est possible de sortir du lot ceux qui ont à convaincre.


  • Le mythe de la gentille fille

    Fran Hauser déconstruit la perception négative de la gentillesse, avec laquelle sont aux prises de nombreuses femmes dans l’univers professionnel. Si elles sont gentilles, elles sont considérées comme faibles et inefficaces, mais si elles sont fermes, on dit qu’elles sont autoritaires et acariâtres. Mêlant anecdotes personnelles, parcours de femmes leaders et stratégies éprouvées, le livre révèle comment faire de sa gentillesse un atout pour un leadership de qualité.

  • The art of …

    Product description

    This book is a must for every prayer group and church.

    The chapters in this important handbook on the lost art of prayer cover such subjects as : praying for your nation, interceding for the lost, praying for deliverance, groanings in the Spirit, fasting, and praying for those in sin.

    Chapters includes:

    – Various kinds of Prayer

    – Supplication Defined

    – Intercession Defined

    – Boldness

    – Prayer for the sick

    – Excesses

  • La 6ème extinction

    Aujourd’hui, les scientifiques estiment que notre planète est en train de vivre une sixième extinction, la plus dévastatrice depuis la disparition des dinosaures. Mais cette fois, c’est l’homme qui en est la cause. Elizabeth Kolbert a mené une enquête passionnante sur la grande histoire de la vie terrestre, en remontant aux découvertes de Cuvier et Darwin, et sur le péril imminent qui la guette. Elle montre que l’humanité ne peut plus ignorer la crise environnementale, au risque de disparaître à son tour. Prix Pulitzer 2015.

  • Docteur de l’espoir…

    En 1983, Hawa Abdi a créé une clinique rurale en Somalie. Dans un pays déchiré par les conflits, cette enclave de paix a sauvé des dizaines de milliers de femmes et d’enfants. Remarquée par le jury du Nobel, courageuse, héroïque et simple, le Dr Hawa Abdi représente ce qu’il y a de plus noble de la nature humaine au cœur de la barbarie. Voici son autobiographie, le récit de sa vie quotidienne et de sa volonté hors du commun.

  • Les mots sont des fenêtres

    Une communication de qualité entre soi et les autres est aujourd’hui une compétence précieuse. Marshall Rosenberg met ici à notre disposition un outil puissant pour améliorer radicalement notre relation aux autres. Grâce à des exemples et des dialogues simples, ce livre nous apprend à savoir écouter, à dire ce que nous désirons sans susciter d’hostilité, à communiquer en utilisant l’empathie. La nouvelle édition est enrichie d’un important chapitre sur la médiation et la résolution des conflits.

  • The richest man who ever lived

    In The Richest Man Who Ever Lived, Scott reveals Solomon’s key for winning every race, explains how to resolve conflicts and turn enemies into allies, and discloses the five qualities essential to becoming a valued and admired person at work and in your personal life. Scott illustrates each of Solomon’s insights and strategies with anecdotes about his personal successes and failures, as well as those of such extraordinary people as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, and Steven Spielberg.

    At once inspiring and instructive, THE RICHEST MAN WHO EVER LIVED weaves the timeless truths of one of our greatest works of literature into a detailed roadmap for successful living today.

  • Teamwork 101

    Product Description

    Talent wins games, goal teamwork wins championships . This is true in sports, pop culture, and every other industry – including business. In this essential guidebook, New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell explains why teamwork is the heart of great achievement in the game of business and shows readers how to prioritize teamwork and collaboration to achieve winning results. You’ll learn how to: build a team that lasts; create positive energy on the team; harness a team’s creativity; identify weak players who negatively impact your team; and judge if your team can accomplish the dream.You’ll also discover how a winning team is self-fulfilling fuel : because everyone wants to be part of the winning team, you’ll continue to attract only the best talent – and stay on top. A great team is the key to great results – for individual employees, leaders, and the company as a whole.

  • Attitude 101

    Product Description

    Attitude can make or break you and the people you lead.

    Good attitudes on a team do not guarantee its success, but bad attitudes guarantee its ruin. So says New York Times best-selling author and leadership expert John C. Maxwell in this highly practical primer, Attitude 101. Anyone who has tried to lead people with bad attitudes knows the frustration it can bring.

    With this concise and reader-friendly guidebook, you can master attitude issues. Learn to:

    • Recognize how individuals’ attitudes impact their performance
    • Pinpoint problem feelings, behaviors, and thinking in yourself and others
    • Identify six common attitude problems that undermine teamwork
    • Discover the secret to changing a bad attitude
    • Create new definititons of failure and success that will improve performance
    • Adopt the attitude that helps a leader keep going to the next level

    Attitude is contagious!

    You want to make sure your team is catching the right one!

  • Leadership 101

    Product Description

    Unleash your leadership potential.

    No matter who you are, you can lead―and lead well.

    That is the message New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell gives in this power-packed guidebook : Leadership 101. Here the consummate leader offers a succinct and inspiring framework for enhancing the leadership abilities you already possess. Learn how to:

    • Follow your vision and bring others with you
    • Produce a lasting legacy
    • Grow the loyalty of your followers
    • Make continual investments in the quality of your leadership
    • Increase your ability to influence others
    • Determine your leadership « lid »
    • Empower others through mentoring
    • Create a foundation of trust
    • Use self-discipline to improve your character―and your results

    One of the keys to successful leadership is applying the concepts that have made other leaders strong.

  • Overcoming Crisis

    Product Description

    The current prolonged season of war and worldwide economic crisis has created countless personal crises. Unemployment, foreclosures, threats, and fears loom and Christians are not exempt. You can survive and even thrive during these times. Myles Munroe teaches how to overcome any crisis by applying the sure wisdom and the time-tested principles of the Kingdom of God. With special attention to God’s original command to be fruitful and take dominion over the earth’s resources, you will overcome whatever comes your way. After all, there are no crises in the Kingdom, and that is where Christians hold their true citizenship. Choose today to rise above the circumstances and overcome the crisis.

  • The fatherhood…

    Product Description

    All men are fathers.

    The inherent purpose of all men is fatherhood.

    Whether a man is married or single, and whether or not he has children, he is designed by God to fulfill the role of father in the lives of those around him. It is his calling to reflect the creative and cultivating nature of God.

    In The Fatherhood Principle, Dr. Myles Munroe explains that although every man is called to be a father, knowing how to live in this purpose is not automatic. We must
    understand the characteristics and master the skills of fatherhood. Fulfilling the position and role you were created for means exhibiting qualities of leadership, integrity,
    responsibility, and obedience to the ultimate Father of fathers—our Father God in heaven.

    This book provides key principles and insights that will teach you how to fulfill the role of father in your personal sphere of influence. In clear and compelling terms, Dr. Munroe explains how a man can become source, nourisher, sustainer, protector, teacher,
    disciplinarian, leader, head, caring one, and developer.

    Discover God’s original blueprint for men and step into your true purpose in life.

  • How to build…


    IN THIS BOOK WE WILL: • Wake you up from your financial slumber • Destroy all myths about money and financial freedom • Teach you to pay yourself instead of paying everybody else • Teach you how to create financial plan • Teach you how to create family and corporate budget • Teach you how to escape the world’s financial traps • Help you learn how to deal with debt • Teach you the necessary tips for investment • Teach you how to keep your motives right • You will learn how to better manage your finances for the future

  • The magic


    One word changes everything …

    For more than twenty centuries, words within a sacred text have mystified, confused, and been misunderstood by almost all who read them. Only a very few people through history have realized that the words are a riddle, and that once you solve the riddle — once you uncover the mystery — a new world will appear before your eyes.

    In  The Magic , Rhonda Byrne reveals this life-changing knowledge to the world. Then, on an incredible 28-day journey, she teaches you how to apply this knowledge in your everyday life.

    No matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what your current circumstances,  The Magic  is going to change your entire life!


    Why did one set of companies become truly great performers while the other set remained only good?

    Over five years, the team analyzed the histories of all twenty-eight companies in the study. After sifting through mountains of data and thousands of pages of interviews, Collins and his crew discovered the key determinants of greatness – why some companies make the leap and others don’t.

    The Findings : The findings of the Good to Great study will surprise many readers and shed light on virtually every area of ​​management strategy and practice. The findings include:

    • Level 5 Leaders: The research team was shocked to discover the type of leadership required to achieve greatness.
    • The Hedgehog Concept : (Simplicity within the Three Circles): To go from good to great requires transcending the curse of competence.
    • A Culture of Discipline : When you combine a culture of discipline with an ethic of entrepreneurship, you get the magical alchemy of great results. Technology Accelerators: Good-to-great companies think differently about the role of technology.
    • The Flywheel and the Doom Loop : Those who launch radical change programs and wrenching restructurings will almost certainly fail to make the leap.

    “Some of the key concepts discerned in the study,” comments Jim Collins, « fly in the face of our modern business culture and will, quite frankly, upset some people. »

    Perhaps, but who can afford to ignore these findings? 

  • The psychology of selling

    Double and triple your sales — in any market.

    The purpose of this book is to give you a series of ideas, methods, strategies, and techniques that you can use immediately to make more sales, faster and easier than ever before.

     It’s a promise of prosperity that sales guru Brian Tracy has seen fulfilled again and again. More sales people have become millionaires as a result of listening to and applying his ideas than from any other sales training process ever developed.


     He sends you flower when what you really want is time to talk. She gives you a hug when what you really need is a home-cooked meal. The problem isn’t your love. It’s your LOVE LANGUAGE!

    In this International best seller, Dr Gary Chapman reveals how different people express love in different ways. In fact, there are five specific language of love:

    Quality time, Words of affirmation, Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch. 

    What speaks volumes to you may be meaningless to your spouse. Apply the right principles, learn the right language, and soon you’ll know the profound satisfaction and joy of being able to express your love – and feeling truly loved in return.


    In The 7 Habits 8f Highly Effective People, author Stephen R. Covey presents holistic, integrated, principle- centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Convey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service and human dignity_principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.

  • The magic of thinking big

    Millions of readers have acquired the secrets of success through  The Magic of Thinking Big.  Achieve everything you always wanted: financial security, power and influence, the ideal job, satisfying relationships, and a rewarding, happy life.

    Set your goals high … then exceed them!

    Millions of people throughout the world have improved their lives using  The Magic of Thinking Big.  Dr. David J. Schwartz, long regarded as one of the foremost experts on motivation, will help you sell better, manage better, earn more money, and – most important of all – find greater happiness and peace of mind.

    The Magic of Thinking Big  gives you useful methods, not empty promises.Dr. Schwartz presents a carefully designed program for getting the most out of your job, your marriage and family life, and your community. He proves that you don’t need to be an intellectual or have innate talent to attain great success and satisfaction – but you do need to learn and understand the habit of thinking and behaving in ways that will get you there. This book gives you those secrets!

    Believe you can succeed and you will:

    -Cure yourself of the fear of failure
    -Think and dream creatively
    -You are what you think you are
    -Make your attitudes your allies
    -Learn how to think positively
    -Turn defeat into victory
    -Use goals to help you grow
    -Think like a leader


    Secrets of the Millionaire Mind reveals the missing link between wanting success and achieving it!

    Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get rich easily, while others are destined for a life of financial struggle ? Is the difference found in their education, intelligence, skills, timing, work habits, contacts, luck, or their choice of jobs, businesses, or investments?

    The shocking answer is: None of the above!

    In his groundbreaking Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker states: « Give me five minutes, and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life! » Eker does this by identifying your « money and success blueprint. » We all have a personal money blueprint ingrained in our subconscious minds, and it is this blueprint, more than anything, that will determine our financial lives. You can know everything about marketing, sales, negotiations, stocks, real estate, and the world of finance, but if your money blueprint is not set for a high level of success, you will never have a lot of money—and if somehow you do, you will most likely lose it! The good news is that now you can actually reset your money blueprint to create natural and automatic success.

    Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is two books in one. Part I explains how your money blueprint works. Through Eker’s rare combination of street smarts, humor, and heart, you will learn how your childhood influences have shaped your financial destiny. You will also learn how to identify your own money blueprint and « revise » it to not only create success but, more important, to keep and continually grow it.

    In Part II you will be introduced to seventeen « Wealth Files, » which describe exactly how rich people think and act differently than most poor and middle-class people. Each Wealth File includes action steps for you to practice in the real world in order to dramatically increase your income and accumulate wealth.

    If you are not doing as well financially as you would like, you will have to change your money blueprint. Unfortunately your current money blueprint will tend to stay with you for the rest of your life, unless you identify and revise it, and that’s exactly what you will do with the help of this extraordinary book. According to T. Harv Eker, it’s simple. If you think like rich people think and do what rich people do, chances are you’ll get rich too!
